The Wall Quest Line

Quest line available from Lae in Hollowdeep

Requires active membership and completion of both "Dark Knight Returns" and "The Post Summoning" to activate

Quest 1:  Hey You



In order to be worthy of these items, you must be useful to others as a support class.  


Active membership

ArchPaladin (Sacred Magic Eden, NOT AC version!, class) rank 10

Legion Revenant (class, non-IODA) rank 10

LightCaster (class) rank 10

Lord of Order (class) rank 10

Stonecrusher (merge / reputation, not AC version!, class) rank 10

Frostvale Barbarian (from quest line, not AC version!, class) rank 10


25,000 Legion Tokens

300 500k Au Vouchers

100 Emblems of Gravelyn

100 Blood Gems of Nulgath

1 Doom Heart

Description upon completion

Hey, you! Don't help them to bury the light. Don't give in without a fight.

Rewards:  none


Quest 2:  One of my Turns


This quest requires you to collect many rare armors and weapons, some of which require dailies.


Active membership

Bright Knight (armor)

Empowered Vordred's Armor (armor)

Exalted DOOMfire Blade (weapon)

Hollowborn Oblivion Blade (weapon)

Hollowborn Reaper's Scythe (weapon)

Cysero's SUPER Hammer (weapon)



25,000 Legion Tokens

300 500k Au Vouchers

100 Emblems of Gravelyn

100 Blood Gems of Nulgath

1 Doom Heart


Description upon completion

I....feel....cold as a razor blade, tight as a tourniquet, dry as a funeral drum.


Rewards:  none


Quest 3:  Vera


This quest you will work on your domiciles.



Active membership

Enchanted Nulgath Nation House

Legion Castle

Altar of Caladborg

Altar of Sanguine

Altar of Ragnarok




25,000 Legion Tokens

300 500k Au Vouchers

100 Emblems of Gravelyn

100 Blood Gems of Nulgath

1 Doom Heart


Description upon completion

Vera, Vera, what has become of you?  Does anybody else in here feel the way I do?

Rewards:  none


Quest 4:  Goodbye Blue Sky


You must continue to collect more weapons and classes in order for me to complete these items.


Active membership

Ultimate Blinding Light of Destiny (weapon)

Legion DragonBlade of Nulgath (weapon)

Void Highlord (non-IoDA, class) rank 10

Yami No Ronin (class) rank 10

Dragon of Time (class) rank 10



25,000 Legion Tokens

2,500 Ultimate Darkness Gems

300 500k Au Vouchers

100 Emblems of Gravelyn

100 Blood Gems of Nulgath

1 Doom Heart


Description upon completion

Goodbye blue sky, Goodbye blue sky, Goodbye.


Rewards:  none


Quest 5:  Nobody Home



This quest shows your adeptness in the ultra fights.  To be deserving of these rewards, you must show you have the ability to defeat said bosses and acquire said gear.



Active membership

Chaos Avenger (class)

Empowered Blade of Chaos (weapon)

Infernal Flame Khopesh (weapon)

Drago’s Royal Guard (armor)

Prince Darkon’s Poleaxe (weapon)

Exalted Apotheosis (weapon)



2,500 Ultimate Darkness Gems

300 500k Au Vouchers

100 Emblems of Gravelyn

100 Blood Gems of Nulgath

1 Unidentified Gemstone of Nulgath

1 Doom Heart


Description upon completion

I've got a strong urge to fly, but I've got nowhere to fly to.


Rewards:  none


Quest 6:  The Trial



This is the penultimate quest.  It concerns upgrading your armor and helm, as well as making sure you are exalted with all factions in the game.



Active membership

Head of the Legion Beast (helm)

Awe-scended (armor)

Archfiend Doomlord (armor)

Max rep in all factions



7,500 Void Aura

2,500 Ultimate Darkness Gems

500 Emblems of Dage

500 Emblems of Nulgath

300 500k Au Vouchers

1 Unidentified Gemstone of Nulgath

1 Doom Heart


Description upon completion

The evidence before the court is incontrovertible, there's no need for the jury to retire.  In all my years of judging I have never heard before of someone more deserving of the full penalty of law.

Rewards:  none

Quest 7:  Comfortably Numb



This final quest is a test of loyalty to Artix Entertainment.  How zealous are you?



Active membership

2 years actively played badge

Swordhaven Castle (house)

Flame Dragon Warrior (class) rank 10

Infinity Titan (class) rank 10

Mindbreaker (class) rank 10



7,500 Void Aura

2,500 Ultimate Darkness Gems

300 Doom Fragments

200 500k Au Vouchers

7 Unidentified 35’s

1 Unidentified Gemstone of Nulgath

1 Doom Heart

Description upon completion

There is no pain, you are receding.  A distant ship, smoke on the horizon.  You are only coming through in waves, your lips move, but I can't hear what you're saying.  When I was a child, I caught a fleeting glimpse out of the corner of my eye.  I turned to look, but it was gone, I cannot put my finger on it now, the child is grown, the dream is gone, I have become comfortably numb.



Ultimate Hollowborn Sword of Doom (weapon)

Member Only, AC Tagged, Cannot be obtained with IoDA (only available through quest)

100% to all tagged monsters

Ultimate Hollowborn DoomKnight (armor)

Member Only, AC Tagged, Cannot be obtained with IoDA (only available through quest)

50% to all monsters

Ultimate Hollowborn Sepulchure’s Helm (helm)

Member Only, AC Tagged, Cannot be obtained with IoDA (only available through quest)

100% EXP, Au, Rep, and Class Points

“Another Brick in the Wall” Badge

"Another Brick in the Wall" Character Title

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